Exporting your dashboard reports

Brandon Huskins

Last Update 4 ปีที่แล้ว

To share your Dashboard Reports via email, Export or the web, click on Share or Export button in your dashboard view. You will have the following options associated with that report:

View your dashboard via a public URL which you could share with colleagues or clients. The URL has a private token that can be renewed to revoke access to the old URL. To preview the publicly accessible version of the report you can click on the View in Browser icon.

2. You can share the current Dashboard by clicking on Export to and choosing the types as PDF or PNG image. Additional options will follow to customize the export. You can choose Direct Download (which might take up to few minutes to reproduce the export file), Via Email, which typically sends over the report attached in an email, or you can setup Recurring Emails report to be sent to the user Daily, Weekly or Monthly.

3. To manage your scheduled reports for different dashboards click on Scheduled Reports–> New Report. Select the desired Dashboard, configure the report email, subject line, body, recipients and frequency of the report then click Save.

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